RaJA Co., Ltd has a total of around 40 multinational colleagues working in four national locations. This page lists the key members involved in RGA&CE.



RGA Principal

30年以上に渡り、鹿児島のあらゆる学校で英会話の礎を作ってきた先生です♪ 保護者の方に教え子がいらっしゃるほどです。Ted has laid the foundation for English conversation at all schools in Kagoshima for over 30 years. It's funny because there are even parents who say, "I was also a student of Ted's!"



C-Lab Principal

2018年の開園時から、RaJAで英語環境を構築し続けてくれているLizzy。RGA&CEでは、経済学を学びつくした彼女が、お金のリテラシーやSDGsなどを教えます!Lizzy has been helping to establish an English language environment at RaJA since its opening in 2018. She completed her studies in economics in Boston and Kyushu University, and now teaches financial literacy and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).


Head Teacher


前向きで建設的でとても自立した考え方のジェス先生。オーストラリア、ベトナム、東京などのインターナショナルスクールを経験したベテラン講師です。Jess is a veteran teacher who holds a Japanese childcare qualification and a UK national qualification in early childhood education. She has a positive, constructive, and highly independent approach, having taught in various international schools in Australia, Vietnam, and Tokyo.




RIT、学習塾、受験対策教室担当。ていねいで分かりやすく、教えてくれます。優しくて真面目な印象がありながら、バンドをやるほど音楽が大好きな意外な一面も持つアクティブな先生です♪ Tommy is a certified child-rearing support worker and has experience teaching in RIT, tutoring centers, and test preparation schools. They are very thorough and easy to understand when teaching, while also being gentle and serious. They have an unexpected side to them as well, enjoying music so much that they even play in a band! This makes them quite an active and interesting teacher.



3歳以上の集団をまとめ上げることが本当に上手な人気者ビッキー先生。溌溂とした性格が愛される、とても大きな笑顔の素敵な先生です!Vicky is an amazing teacher who holds certifications in kindergarten education, elementary school education, and childcare. She has a natural talent for managing groups of children aged three and above, and is extremely popular among them. Her lively and outgoing personality is cherished, and her big, warm smile is infectious, making her a wonderful and beloved teacher.

Claudia Hitomi


手作り料理を食べることはLOVEを口にすること♥ 保育だけでなく、栄養面からもこどもたちを見てくれる、みんなのおばあちゃんです!Hitomi is a licensed childcare worker and a registered dietitian. She believes that eating homemade food is like saying "I love you" with your mouth. She not only takes care of children's needs in terms of childcare, but also pays special attention to their nutrition. She is like everyone's grandma!



相手が誰であっても、自分軸を見失わず、判断できる。そんな大人なかおり先生です。こういう人に育てもらえるのは、本当にラッキーなことです♥ Nursery teacher - Kaori is an adult who can maintain her own axis and make judgments regardless of who she is dealing with. Being able to be raised by such a person is truly lucky ♥



オーストリア出身のMichaelは、ドイツ語(母国語)や英語以外にも、4ヶ国語以上を操ります。GeographyやWonderCode(プログラミング)、天体などを教えてくれます。Michael, who hails from Austria, is fluent in four or more languages, in addition to his native German and English. He can teach topics beyond languages, such as geography, WonderCode (programming), and astronomy.



中国人のEveは、おしゃれでネコが大好き!留学生として日本に来ています。社長のつたない中国語を褒めて伸ばしてくれる非常にありがたい存在です♥ Eve, who is from China, loves fashion and adores cats! She is currently studying abroad in Japan and is a wonderful teacher who compliments and encourages the CEO's rudimentary Chinese language skills. She is a truly appreciated presence ♥ (and always makes us laugh!)

Kari Yukari


アフタースクールのサポートをしてくれるKari(ゆかり)先生は、ボディピアスなど、好きなものを上手に表現してみせてくれるアイデンティティを持っており、自己表現が上手です。折り紙が得意!Kari, the after-school support teacher, has a strong sense of identity and is great at self-expression. She loves to express herself through body piercings and other unique styles. In addition to her passion for self-expression, she is also skilled in origami!

Sophi Chika



高麗町に響き渡る「おはようございます!」がトレードマークのSophi。キャリアコンサルタントの国家資格を持っている、勉強熱心な先生です。おいしいものもよく知っています。こどもたちやRaJAの未来のために一緒に突き進んでくれています!Sophi is an office clerk and a certified career consultant in high spirits and also is a dietitian, known for her trademark "おはようございます!(Good morning!)" which echoes through the streets of Korai-cho. She is a diligent and enthusiastic teacher who is always eager to learn more. She also has good knowledge of delicious food. She is dedicated to pursuing the future of children and RaJA, and is always willing to work hard towards that goal.

Amy Sayaka


シンガーであり、洋服などのセンスも抜群のAmy。RaJAの将来に向かって「夢しかない!」と力を貸してくれる、心強くて前向きで明るい先生です。Amy is a multi-talented teacher at RaJA, who works as both an office clerk and a nutritionist. On top of her professional skills, she is also a talented singer with a great sense of fashion. She encourages the students to chase their dreams with her positive, optimistic attitude, making her an invaluable part of the RaJA team.



アフリカンアメリカンのShawnは、靴のコレクションをしているお洒落な先生です。心が優しくて、とってもオチャメ!甘いものが大好き。こどもたちの人気者です!プログラミング、Geography、検定指導など多岐にわたり活躍中です。Shawn is a language teacher at RaJA, and he is an African-American with a passion for collecting shoes. He is known for his warm personality and his love for sweets. The children at RaJA adore him because of his fun and charismatic teaching style. He is also a skilled programmer and an experienced geography teacher. He enjoys helping his students prepare for various exams and certifications.




手先が器用で多彩なMaxは、オンラインで様々なアクティビティをしてくれるニュージーランド人の先生です。マルチメディアでの授業は、こどもたちにも大人気!Max is an online language teacher at RaJA, hailing from New Zealand. He is highly skilled and versatile, and offers a variety of fun activities for the students to participate in during the online lessons. His multimedia approach is extremely popular with both children and adults alike.

Yoko Obara


美しいピアノの音色と歌声が聞こえてくると、「陽子先生が居るな♪」と気分が上がります。とっても優しく教えてくれて、こどもたちは音楽のレッスンが大好きです!When you hear the beautiful sound of Yoko sensei's piano and singing, you can't help but feel uplifted and say "Yoko sensei must be here!" Yoko sensei teaches with great kindness and the children love her music lessons. Children who learn from Yoko sensei will not only acquire musical skills but also rhythm and communication abilities.

Katsuya Kent

筋肉モリモリかつや先生は、体育の先生です。こどものパーソナルトレーニングも可能です。運動会の前のかけっこの練習や逆上がりの特訓などなど、様々な要望に応えてくれます。こどもたちは体育の授業の日、かつやに会えるのをとても楽しみにしています!Katsuya is a physical education teacher with bulging muscles. He is also available for children's personal training. He can meet various requests such as practicing for relay races before sports day or training for handstand. Children look forward to seeing Katsuya on their physical education day and always have a lot of fun with him.

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〒890-0051 鹿児島市高麗町40-39 


